An active, character-driven Hogwarts experience set in the early 2000s. Unique items, plots, and features. Non-canon; this isn't Harry Potter's story, it's ours.
ACP stands for "Alcove Courtyard & Pubs" -- which are the RP locations game pieces can be used, as part of this bonus feature. These games are modded events similar to the RP mini-games used with the keys feature. Game pieces are inventory items bought from the Wizshop or won through various events / contests. There are five planned in total, which will be released per RPG year. Currently, we just have Gobstones.
Although the Hogs Head and Leaky Cauldron are pubs which students can use, the inclusion of pubs in this feature (as opposed to just using the Alcove Courtyard at Hogwarts) is so it's also available post-graduation. The post-grad version / details will be released when we have graduated students; all information listed in this guide are only relevant to Hogwarts students.
How it Works
A game piece is required to play. If you have enough, you can play multiple games per thread.
For fairness, you cannot play against your own character (if you have more than one), and your opponent must be from a different house.
You can pre-arrange a game, or start a thread at the Alcove Courtyard (or a pub, if it's a Hogsmede trip / the summer) with your character waiting around in hope someone will join them. Other members will see you've made the thread and may be available to play.
Once two characters are seated and ready to play, the game begins. The starting mod post includes gameplay instructions.
These events only take place during morning or afternoon at Hogwarts, though pubs will include night. It's still an RP thread, so your character can't be in two places at once. Your post length should be its usual average of at least a paragraph.
Losing a game means losing your game piece. If you become inactive or unable to continue / finish a game before RPG time changes, you'll also lose your game piece.
Winners receive 2 house points, 20 exp to all skills, and a random X ingredient (powdered or jar ingredients excluded). You also receive a point on the leaderboard below. At the end of each RPG year, those with the highest points receive special prizes (to be determined).
We hope members and characters enjoy this fun, bonus little feature. It's a good way for characters to hang out and get to know each other, while also providing members with an easy method of gaining post counts and extra progress rewards.