An active, character-driven Hogwarts experience set in the early 2000s. Unique items, plots, and features. Non-canon; this isn't Harry Potter's story, it's ours.
Rubes happily wandered along the forest path, smelling the fresh morning air. She was pleased to be spending time with Marrow and Gerald and hoped she'd make many more friends during her time at Hogwarts. She was also thankful that she hadn't come across anyone who'd been mean or nasty towards her.
marrow kinda frowned at that questions" there seems to be a lot of drama over colors for no reason but the school its self is better that home" he said that in earnest thinking of home sent a chill up his spine has he was looking at all the nature here and was in love." your thoughts " pose-sing the same question.
Rubes nodded. She took in another big breath of the fresh morning air.
"I'dhavetoagreethere'sdefinitelydramabetween thehouses.Itseemstomethere'ssome belief that students from differenthouses can't possibly get along well, though I think we're an exception. Imean, we're in different houses, butwe're getting along with each other perfectly fine. As for classes, I'vedone pretty well in Potions sofar, but it doesn't really involve muchwand use. I'd like to start learning someproper spells, so I can get a feel for what my wand can actually do."
He didn't say much, as Gerald mostly listened to the other two talk. What did he think of Hogwarts, though? Well, he thought that it seemed fun, even if he couldn't speak all that well. But he seemed to be making friends. He didn't see the issues with Houses though. they seemed to be the way to build upon choice characteristics. Meet like-minded people. He was just glad he got the relief of being in the same house as his first friends here.
Hearing her talk about magic though, he felt compelled to speak. Was he being a third wheel? "What are you looking forward to? There is many branches"
Ruby thought on Gerald's question for a moment. What classes was she most looking forward to participating in?
"I thinkthe classesI'm most looking forward to areCharms andTransfiguration. Mysister's goodat Tranfigurationand myparents, because they both workfor theMinistry of Magic, are prettyskilled inCharms. I wouldn'tmind doingCare ofMagical Creatures,but Idon't think that'savailable toFirst Years."
Marrow got quiet and answered fast"id like to learn about all the creatures and travel " he smirked thinking to himself. just imagining the cow his grandpa would have if he said that to him instead of trying to be a aura are in some form of government. he kept his ears open waiting to hear from there new friend he was interested in make a new friend.
Ruby stopped and looked around. She'd heard the forest was home to many creatures and she wondered if any would make an appearance.
"How about when you leave Hogwarts?Any idea what kind of occupation you'd like to go into? I think I'dlike to follow my Mum into the Departmentof Magical Law Enforcement. Hey, Gerald, what do your parents do for a living?"
Marrow felt that question shake him a bit to the core has memories shuddered his mind, He thought on how to answer her question " id like to take care of animals alone in the woods where there is no government" he then paused listen to Gerald's answer, while processing her answer.
Gerald shrugged. It felt weird talking about his parents. But he was in the conversation now. "Mum's in the Government. Dads a Plumber."
Looking at the two, he wondered what they were thinking. Did they have family in positions like his? Ruby's Mother sounded interesting enough. Marrow sounded unsure about his goals, though, and while he didn't want to pry, he was intrigued. "Animals are good"
Ruby was having a wonderful time with her new friends. It was too bad that Jasper, Ryan and Astra weren't with them. Maybe Rubes would catch up with her other friends later.
marrow thought hard on how to answer that " just a half and half here " he avoiding his family altogether."why dose it matter?"he was becomes curious about the two he was walking with by the minute. finding it hard to focus. while avoiding his own subjects.
he offered a kind smile" just a lot personal problems comes from not seeing people has the same" he thought it was in his head so maybe just tell her a little" my parents were auras one full blood one muggle " marrow gave a warm smile " they encourage peace and the fact everyone is equal no favorites it was beautiful really"
Marrow's kind smile reassured Rubes that he wasn't upset or offended by what she's asked.
"Maybe that'sthe kindof occupationyou shouldgo into.Have you ever thought of becoming an Auror?I think it sounds like a veryinteresting job. I'veheard the trainingis difficult and intensive, but once you're qualified, you'd bedoing the community agreat serviceby investigating crimes andapprehending dark witches andwizards."