An active, character-driven Hogwarts experience set in the early 2000s. Unique items, plots, and features. Non-canon; this isn't Harry Potter's story, it's ours.
Ruby wandered along the forest path, breathing in the fresh outside air and wondering what there was to find among the undergrowth. It was good to have a free afternoon with no classes.
Ben walked alongside her. He was happy to have found a new friend at last.
“Have you been to see the Forbidden Forest yet? I heard some of the older students talking about all sorts of creatures that are supposed to live there.”
"I don't think students are allowedin there but, as long aswe're careful, I see no reasonwhy wecan'tcheckout the forest. Whoknows what we might find? Lasttime I came down here, therewas something that lookeda bit like a transfigured cat. No idea what it was."
Ruby smiled at the thought of exploring the forest with her new friend.
"I got boredand I wantedsome fresh air.It's nice tocome and havea wander aroundoutside.Anyway, since we'vegot no classesthis afternoon, let's go checkout the forestand see whatthere is todiscover. Mysister once toldme there wereunicorns living amongthe trees. Hopeshe was right."
But if Ruby – who did forbidden things because she “was bored” - liked them there must be something extraordinary about them other than making for expensive potions ingredients and cheesy wallpapers.