An active, character-driven Hogwarts experience set in the early 2000s. Unique items, plots, and features. Non-canon; this isn't Harry Potter's story, it's ours.
Ronan decided once he'd finished up his dinner and desert to get to moving. He'd had sone idle chatter around the Gryffindor table with various folks about the events taking place outside. There was a clear interest going around from everyone, even those who hadn't rushed out to participate. He finally stood up and let out a yawn, then turned to exit.
He wandered out of the room, having finished his lunch and deciding he'd be best to head off and maybe do a few things before turning in. Maybe catch up with some other Gryffindor types and see what had happened, or well, hear about it as he'd chosen not to go! He could certainly say today had been eventful, he thought as he vanished out the door and went off to go about the rest of his night.