An active, character-driven Hogwarts experience set in the early 2000s. Unique items, plots, and features. Non-canon; this isn't Harry Potter's story, it's ours.
Broomsticks are optional, but available to all characters regardless of age or flying ability / experience. If your character is not on their house Quidditch team, there is a post count requirement of 50 or higher to buy a broom -- though there's no real incentive to have one if you're not interested in playing Quidditch (at Hogwarts or professionally).
An Overview
If you're on your house team, you must have your own broomstick to participate in an official match, as the school brooms aren't efficient enough. Magnora brooms have fall-guard protective spells; if the rider falls or is knocked off the broom, it will automatically brake and return to the nearest safe ground. They also come with anti-theft alarms, wind endurance charms, and require minimal maintenance. These are the finest Quidditch broomsticks available.
There's always financial risk involved with buying a broomstick, even if you RP it as your character's parents / family having bought it for them; it still comes out of your Galleons. Having a broom is a privilege, which may be taken away if not used responsibly or as intended.
If you no longer want a broom, it can be refunded to the store for 1/4 of its selling price per green hearts its condition has. To upgrade from a lower-rated broom to a higher one, you pay the difference. For example: if your current broom cost 80 Galleons, and your new broom costs 180 Galleons, then you only pay 100 for the new one.
Each broom has is rated between 1 and 5. These are reward modifiers. Rating 1 is the default exp / etc given, so rating 2 doubles those base rewards -- rating 3 triples them, and so on. The better your broom's rating, the more benefits. However, they also come at a higher price. As tempting as a top-tier broom may be, it's recommended to start at a more affordable range of broom until you can save up for a better one if needed.
A broomstick attribute is a special enchantment placed upon it that assists or protects the rider when in use. There are three main attributes; the better the rating, the more attributes a broom may have.
Water Repel –- resistant to cold temperatures. Provides waterproof protection for broom and rider, making rain less of a hindrance.
Lightning Repel –- fireproof and resistant to hot temperatures. Protects broom and rider from being hurt when struck by lightning.
Anti-Jinx Guard –- Enhanced protection against sabotage or jinxes that may harm either broom or rider. Cannot be tampered with, though isn't infallible against the darkest arts.
Broom Health
Each have a health of 3 green hearts. This is the condition of your broom; if all hearts turn grey, it breaks beyond repair. Every damage your broom receives will cost 1 heart. Attributes can help protect against certain forms of damage, but no broom is completely invulnerable. The only way to improve your broom's condition (restore a heart) is by use of a Broom Polish potion, which can be brewed with a Potions Kit.